Reiki Healer

Ordained Minister

Badass Mystic


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Card Reading

Guided exploration of the subconscious

After drawing your cards, I share traditional meanings and my interpretation, based on your unique context. You share the thoughts or feelings these images bring up for you. Together, we find your best path.

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Healing through human connection

Reiki is a technique for calming stress in the body and mind, performed fully clothed in a comfortable position. I will guide you in simple meditation and use gentle touch in specific points for different stressors.

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Celebrate your love, your way

We’ll discuss you, your partner, and what makes your relationship special. Based on that and your own traditions and beliefs, we’ll craft a ceremony that honors this new phase in your life and make it official in NY state!

Bookings & Pricing

Life is busy and expensive— that’s why spiritual self-care is so important!— so I try to keep costs low and scheduling flexible. Card readings and Reiki sessions are $10 for a 30 minute appointment, or $15 for a 1 hour combo.

If you’re not sure, please contact me for a free Zoom session to chat more! There will be absolutely ~no~ pressure to book something during this session, leaving you free to contemplate afterwards and decide if it’s right for you.


About Me

I am a cool ass witch. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent viverra urna nisl, non fermentum nulla rhoncus quis. Donec quis luctus dolor, nec posuere turpis. Integer ut tortor eu purus volutpat maximus.

About My Practice

Nam elementum facilisis tortor nec scelerisque. Nullam odio elit, tincidunt nec fermentum sit amet, tempor vitae enim. Donec ac faucibus turpis. Mauris imperdiet convallis cursus. Vivamus urna leo, interdum eget purus nec, scelerisque luctus erat. Nullam ac scelerisque arcu, malesuada mattis quam. Nullam consequat venenatis dolor, vitae tempus ligula venenatis vitae. Donec fringilla, ipsum vel maximus accumsan, leo ligula finibus felis, at lacinia sapien metus a risus.


For session bookings & wedding officiation inquiries:

Zoom Scheduler:

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Copyright 2020 | Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash | Headshot by RJ Williams | Website by Cailin Kless